
Saturday, May 5, 2012

"The Sky is Crying"

Lucy's MP3 player has about 1,400 songs on it (all legal, of course). One of them, Stevie Ray Vaughn's "The Sky is Crying" seems appropriate today. My backyard picked up 1.11" of rain since midnight, and 1.46" since the yesterday. The Twin Cities metro area was about 5" behind on rain. I don't see any standing water despite all the rain. I also haven't seen any state birds (mosquitoes)...yet. I swear the Siberian irises have scuba gear on now.

The garden planting is almost complete despite the downpour. The garden work has been very therapeutic for me.Lucy and I would eagerly await the arrival of gardening weather. It gave us some wonderful quality time together through the years.

It's been a tough week dealing with the administrative minutiae that needs to be done once a person dies. With the exception of one local financial institution, everyone I have dealt with has been sympathetic and helpful. Lucy and I tried to cover all the bases to minimize the hoop-jumping for the surviving spouse, but it's still tough

Most of you know I start a new job on May 14th. I'll be working in Eden Prairie as a Sr. Software Engineer for a company that is growing quickly but intelligently. The job is going to be demanding and I'll need to be as close to 100% as I can be when I start. That's why I'm trying my best to get the administrative stuff done so quickly.

Thank you again to everyone who has called, emailed, or visited. Words cannot describe how you have helped me.

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