
Monday, March 19, 2012

"Thunder and Lightning"

Chi Coltrane could have been singing about tonight. The Twin Cities set another record high today, the eighth in the past ten days. Late this afternoon a band of thunderstorms whipped through and we received some much needed rain.

Lucy seems to have made a little progress today. She is still having stomach problems and is gamely drinking Ensure to keep from losing any more weight. Her stomach problems seem to be worse for a few hours after going to bed. She will have some tests performed tomorrow to see what might be the cause. We know it's not a mechanical ileus (bowel obstruction). She's had two so far, and they're extremely unpleasant.

She has completed day three of her Hexalen treatment. Eleven more days, then she gets a fourteen day break before the next cycle. Rinse, lather and repeat.

Tomorrow will also be a bit challenging for me. I have a 2½ presentation tomorrow afternoon. Lucy can move around the house OK, but if Minnesota Oncology wants her in for more testing or they need to send her to Fairview for some reason, she'll need me to drive.

 Thank you for your time, and keep Lucy in your thoughts. For everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, enjoy the first day of spring (fall in the Southern Hemisphere) tomorrow!

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