
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Well, maybe not today. Lucy woke up with stomach problems this morning and was running a mild fever spike because of her blood clots. Her mood wasn't very cheery and she was fairly wiped out. Alimta is fairly well tolerated, but it still can cause a bit of stomach distress and wipe out. That's why she has to take the oral dexamethasone (steroid) twice a day for the day before, day of and day after chemo. The past few months have seen her face a number of challenges and it takes its toll. My guess is today's stomach problems were a direct result of her breakfast choices. She hadn't had Lucky Charms in several months. The whole grains sometimes cause a bit more fermentation in the gut when one is not used to eating them. She started feeling better later this afternoon.

Her first shot Lovenox shot went better than yesterday's. We're probably figuring out the right timing and rhythm. The humorous thing about the Lovenox self-injection guide is the phrase "think love handles". Lucy doesn't have any. Heck, I've dropped 54 pounds in the past year and barely have any remaining.

We hope Lucy will be feeling up to visiting her dad tomorrow. Her left leg circumference was almost a full centimeter smaller than yesterday's measurement. Her discomfort is now mostly from both ankles and seems to be joint pain rather than tissue pain. The pain killers are still effective and she is using fewer of them.

I must be suffering from chemo brain by proxy. I forgot to mention Lucy had a coworker stop by Thursday morning with some homemade soups. Her coworkers have been so wonderful and supportive! They have made meals and sent cards and flowers. It's nice to know there are some good companies left.

And on the subject of chemo brain, I managed to mangle the "Comfortably Numb" lyric yesterday. Sorry about that! How I managed to turn "just a little pin prick" into "you'll feel a little pin prick" is beyond me. I'd like to say "Damn you autocorrect" but I wasn't posting from an iPhone. I have an Andriod phone and there doesn't seem to be an equivalent, perhaps thankfully.

For those of you that are able, we hope you enjoyed a walk today. Lucy should be able to be walking normally soon.

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