
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Clotbusters III (without Bill Murray)

Because it's the weekend and people may be checking the blog a bit more frequently, I'll be updating this posting at least once more today.

Lucy had a fairly good night. She says she slept much better. The pain pump is knocking her pain back a bit. She was running a mild temperature which elevated her heartbeat slightly. Apparently that is a side effect of a DVT. Her temp came down and her heartbeat is around normal. She has been getting Tylenol to reduce her temperature. Her potassium level is back to normal. Her calf circumference has not gotten smaller yet. I don't know how quickly it is supposed to start reducing.

She was taken to Interventional Radiology at 9:00 this morning to have the catheters moved. The last procedure took 3½ hours. I don't know if this procedure will take as long.

UPDATE: Lucy was back in the room at 11:30 which is an hour less than her previous procedure. The reason the bottom catheter was shut off last night was a kink occurred. She may have kinked it getting situated to use the bed pan. Her right ankle is immobilized with an arm board as a precaution. To minimized potential bedpan problems she had a catheter inserted. Her bladder and kidneys are fine.

Apparently she had more than one clot in her leg, one in the thigh and at least one in the calf. That is not unusual.

As we get older our veins will start constricting and lose some of their elasticity. Lucy had a minor constriction in her thigh, so they did a balloon angioplasty and an AngioJet to open things up. Her thigh is looking a lot better and the redness is turning pink.

Dr. Thurmes stopped by and was pleased with her progress. He did order an antibiotic just to be safe. Molly from Minnesota Oncology also has round this weekend and stopped by to see how Lucy was doing.

She will need to have the procedure done one more time tomorrow morning at 8:30.


  1. Hi Lucy and Ken,
    I just got on my email this morning and I saw link from you for this blog. My first experience with this but I am so happy to be able to follow your 'journey'. I am not feeling so happy that you have these problems and you know that I think of you often and have been praying, praying and having many friends praying too. God Bless you both and I hope that today goes well.

  2. Lucy and Ken,
    I'm not sure that you received my first comment. I may be repeating myself but I am praying for both of you and may God Bless. I'm so happy that you sent me this link, I only got on my computer this morning as I was gone all day yesterday. I feel bad that you need this blog and for all that you are going through on this 'journey'. I hope your day goes well.

  3. Lucy and Ken,
    I have just stumbles upon your blog. Thank you Ken for maintaining these updates and continuing to be a great support for our dear Lucy.

    Lucy - Every day I ask for your healing. That your body will overcome this invasion. I envision the end of this journey and the beginning of a new and wonderful health-filled journey.
    May you find peace and beauty in the struggles of reality.

    My love and healing energy to you both.


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